2009 has been an amazing year for our family. We've had some big changes, but welcomed them all. I finished teaching in May and transitioned to the Director of Children's Ministry at New Community. We had been praying that God would lead me into a different direction, specifically in ministry, and he answered that prayer. We are so thankful that I have more time with the boys (I work 25 hours per week for the church). You can check it out NC at www.newcommunityonline.com.
Jeremiah is still teaching elementary P.E. We are very fortunate that Preston gets to attend his "daddy's school". Jeremiah is leading the teacher's fitness program and they will begin Boot Camp after the New Year. He's also taken up a new sport with the highschoolers - Ultimate Frisbee.
Preston is half-way through with Kindergarten. He has the best Kindergarten teacher in the world. We love you Mrs. Deal! His favorite part of each day is Specials - P.E., Math, Art, Music, and Health. He is also taking piano lessons and has a new set of drums from his Papa!
Parker Reese is loving preschool! He has made great progress and he has taken up playing Chess. We had no idea that he knew the names of the pieces, but he's been paying attention to his big brother and his daddy.
Phillips Reagan will be coming home soon. Our paperwork is logged in and we are just waiting for our travel date. We were sad that he wasn't with us for Christmas, but we know that next year will be extra special. Phillips will turn 2 years old on January 15.
This year our house has been filled with boys! Jeremiah and I are mentoring the best boys in Jackson County and they spend time at our house playing video games, watching movies, sharing meals with us, playing in the cul-de-sac, cooking, wrestling, etc. We love each one of them and feel very blessed to be leading them through one of the most critical times in their lives. We love you D.J., JonPaul, Franco, Michael, Aaron, Marvin, Anthony, Daivon, and Ryan.
Hope everyone has a safe New Year's and we'll keep you posted of our travel date. We are still with CCAI for those of you who asked. You can read more about Chinese Adoption at www.chinesechildren.org. We are doing the "waiting child" program which is adoption for special needs children.
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