Preston went to work with me today. I had meetings, but he is content to watch movies and hang out in my classroom. He was also running a fever so we had no other choice. I had to take him back home around 10am because he was burning up. My co-worker Becky ran to Publix at lunch and dropped of some Motrin and Tylenol for him since he was too sick to go out. Not soon after she left, the throwing up began. He threw up for over an hour. I got him cleaned up, got the sheets off of the bed, and it started all over again. We've continued this pattern of getting sick, cleaning up and then him passing out into the evening. Say a little prayer for him to get better. He is supposed to start Pre-K this Thursday.
CCAI received our most recent batch of paperwork and now we need to begin our Dossier. I don't have a laptop right now...I'm waiting for the county to send me a new hard drive. So for now, we are using Jeremiah's and we have a 48 page Dossier Guide that we need to print to help us through the "daunting" process.
Little conversations that keep us moving forward:
Preston: Mommy, I can't wait until you go to China to get baby sister out of your tummy.
Tracy: Sweetheart, remember that baby sister is going to come out of another mommy's tummy, but she isn't able to care for her, so we are going to be her family.
Preston: Yeah, I know! You are going to China to get her and when you come home she'll be out of your belly!
Tracy: Well, maybe she will look a little like daddy since she'll have black hair.
Preston: No, I think she is going to look like Parker!