Jeremiah took the boys to play at Monkey Joe's today so I could finish up report cards. Wow - way too many little boxes to click on, but I completed the task. I'm so thankful this will be my last time to spend my weekends doing report cards. I've accepted the call to be the Director of Children's Ministry at New Community Church. We look forward to this new adventure.
We had an eventful day at the house. While Jeremiah was at youth, I was trying to get some work done in the office, so the boys decided to get out every game board they could find. Whew, thank you Jesus for a patient husband. I cleaned the kitchen while Parker Reese and Jeremiah cleaned up the millions of little game pieces that were all mixed up.
Parker Reese is getting over his pneumonia. He is still on antibiotics which upset his stomach and he had one throwing up incident today, but he gagged himself with a marker - don't think it was related to the medicine. Thanks for all of the prayers for our little guy.
Nothing new with the adoption. We are still hoping to finish the Dossier in June (when school is out). This week will be filled with Awards ceremonies, filling out paperwork, attending meetings, attending meetings, and more meetings. We look forward to going back home (Illinois/Missouri) for the Pig Roast and relaxing with family.