Here's an update on our adoption journey. We are in the process of making payments for the first agency fee. I had checked our bank account online and wondered why our last payment did "post". Our case worker sent us an email asking if I had mailed it and I looked back in our check book and we had written the check on October 10. So the check was lost. The day that we were going to call the bank to have the check cancelled it showed up back in our mailbox with "return to sender" marked on it.
Whew... we were so afraid that it had been stolen. So we re-address a new envelope and triple checked the address and sent it off again. I think this is one of those "lessons learned" because we have put the check in at our home mailbox, when we really should mail important things, especially important things with large checks in them, at the post office. We are just thankful that it got returned to us.
Our social worker is finishing up our home study. She is waiting on one more document and then she will have it ready for us to read. Then, another person will check it over to make sure it isn't missing anything. We are still slowly, but surely plugging away at the Dossier. We are sending some of Jeremiah's documents back and forth - to New York to be authenticated.
That's all we know for now. Many people have asked us how old our baby is and the best answer we have right now is that she probably isn't conceived yet! Hard to imagine, but if you do the math we were told the wait time will be at least 36 months or longer so I don't think she is conceived yet. Only God knows exactly who her birth mother will be and when he will send news for us to be her forever family.