Last night we were praying with a friend that God would reveal a clear sign to us through this difficult time. I can't explain to you in words the joy we felt when God sent us that sign immediately in email with updates on our precious son, Phillips.
We got to see two pictures that were captured on Christmas day! Talk about the best gift ever. Phillips is weighing in (as of 12.25.09) at a whopping 26.8 pounds. To put this into perspective for you, our 3 1/2 year old weighs 30.5 pounds - so they are about 17 months apart and Parker Reese has only 3.7 pounds on his baby brother! I guess all those late night prayers about his hunger pains were answered!
The next most amazing thing is that our son is walking, climbing steps, and can even verbally pronounce the names of some of his friends in the orphanage. Everyone calls him "BaoBao". Our update says that he is potty training, but still wears a diaper at night. I guess we'll see if that's true when we get home.
Phillips' update shows that he had a cold in November, but he is feeling much better now. He has a head full of beautiful black hair and he looks so much older than the first set of pictures we received. We were able to ask specific questions about him, and they did answer one of questions and that is yes, he is still on infant formula.
We are busy, busy, busy trying to complete travel packets and the required parent training. We received one email that stated it would be 4-5 months now before we travel, but they want us to be prepared and have everything ready to go.
Please pray for our family while we wait. If you could, read James 1:2-4...consider it pure JOY when you suffer trials and temptations because it leads to completion. We know that we are getting nearer to the end of our adoption journey and we are all filled with tears of JOY knowing that he will be with us soon.