This morning one of my friends brought her family to our church for the first time. No big deal, right? Well, this amazing woman has 22 children (3 biological and the others through adoption)!! I may even been off on the number, because I believe she is taking care of three additional foster children right now. The next time you don't want to get your family ready for church, think of this amazing woman who helped all of these children get ready for church today! Each of the children had been fed, dressed in their best clothing, and their hair was fixed!!
As I walked with this amazing mother down the hall, we passed two other adoptive mothers. There we were - 4 of us - standing in the hall together. All woven together through adoption. I hope that our stories will lead others to support adoption in some way. Not everyone is called to adopt, but many are able to support adoption through other means.
Our agency, CCAI, now has all of our dossier documents. Join us in prayer this week that we submitted everything that is necessary and all of our paperwork will be approved. Next step, the papers will be sent to Colorado to be translated and then on to China. We are coming baby, Phillips!! Miss you.