Thursday, August 20, 2009


Yesterday, Jeremiah and I both felt very strongly that we should contact CCAI about a little baby girl who was on the "waiting child" list. I called Jeremiah at work this afternoon to let him know that I was still thinking about her, and he told me that he had already emailed our agency to find out more information.
He had to finish teaching classes and do his car rider duty, but he finally got around to calling. When you call (the office is in Colorado) you have to them an ID# so they know whih child you want specific details about - before he could finish telling her the numbers, she rattled them off. He was so surprise. She said, that little girl is the "flavor of the day" :) We were the 15th family to call about her today! So, unfortunately we won't be able to read her specific file.
Here's how it works - when you call about a specific child you are put on a waiting list and the agency will call you. So basically, 14th other families would have to decided that she is not the right baby for them before we could even review her file. I'm sure one very lucky family is dreaming of traveling to China soon to get their baby girl!
We will continue to wait patiently! Just wanted to share an update. *Our strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.