Saturday, November 1, 2008

His Mighty Warrior

Preston received a very special book this week from Miss Catherine. Catherine is our EIP teacher and I love working with her. It would be an understatement to say that she is a "ray of sunshine". She surprised Preston with the book His Mighty Warrior, A Treasure Map from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepard. She purchased one for her son, David, and thought that Preston would also enjoy it.

For those of you who know Preston well, he is a pretty spiritual child for a 4-year-old! He talks openly about his faith and proclaims proudly that he is in the Lord's Army! If you have a young son or you are looking for a gift, this is a great book. The book is written as a two-way conversation between the King and his warrior-child and you can insert your child's name to do devotionals about what it means to grow up strong, brave and true.

For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.

The first night that I read from the book, Preston prayed without being prompted:

Dear God,

Trick or Treat

What a fun Halloween it was! We have a tradition of having the Mixon's over. The dads take the kids out in our neighborhood to Trick or Treat and Sara and I stay at the house to pass out candy (a.k.a. "mommy time"). Well, Sara and I got a special gift this year from Sara's oldest daughter, Avery. She greeted the trick or treaters so we could sit and visit. We love you, Avery!!!! I asked Sara how many years she thought Avery would be willing to do this and she thinks we have another 3 or 4 Halloweens to enjoy this special service.

Here are the costumes for this year:
Parker Reese: Lil' Stinker (Skunk)
Aiden: Yoda
Audrey: Jango Fett
Avery: Micheal Phelps

Our neighborhood Publix also had Trick or Treating and I had to run up there to get drinks for everyone, so Parker got to practice Trick or Treating there before the real deal. All of the workers were dressed up and passed out candy throughout the store. He really enjoyed it. Preston was at home taking a nap...he had a surprise guest at his school for Halloween...guess who? His daddy! Jeremiah read two stories and played freeze tag with Preston's Pre-K and then they had a Fall Harvest Celebration.

After Trick or Treating, Jason, Lesley and Austin came over. So we had 6 kids and 6 and 6 adults...not bad. Sara gave me iphoto/Mac lessons which I always love. I could have done that for hours, but the littles were tired and all sugared up.

On another note, baby Haley Jane is doing better. Her mommy and daddy, Todd and Cat, were able to hold her and they sent us some cute pictures. Keep them in your prayers as Cat returns to health and gets to know Haley Jane.

Happy Fall Y'all,