Monday, December 1, 2008

Can you help an orphan?

I know this is last minute notice, but if you can drop off donations of any of the following items to my house by this Thursday, Dec. 4 my Women's Bible Study is assembling bags to send to the orphanage in Haiti.  One of the ladies in our bible study owns/runs the orphanage in Haiti and is in need of the following items:

peanut butter crackers
candy (no chocolate)
ensure drinks (for nutrition)
boys and girls underwear and socks
chewable vitamins (not the gummy type)
small toys (can be gently used/McDonald's or $store type toys)
*If I remember correctly they usually also need donations of anti-itch skin creams, Benedryl, and anti-diarhea medicines to use in the clinic.  

I'll be at work, but donations can be left by our garage or on the front porch and I'll check each day when I get home.  Some people are available to open their homes for adopted children and others are called to help by giving.  If you are able to help, the children will greatly appreciate it!


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